Cold atoms

Since 1997, our group has been working on laser-cooled neutral atoms. W ehave developed several magneto-optical (MOT), magnetic (MT) and optical (ODT) dipole traps for rubidium and strontium.

Image of cold rubidium atoms held by an optical dipole trap.

Our early works were focused on novel ways of probing cold atomic gases based on nonlinear spectroscopy. Using pump-probe techniques, we were able to simultaneously record the absorption and four wave mixing spectra. Analysis of these spectra allowed us to investigate the momentum distribution, temperature and non-equilibrium dynamics of atoms trapped in a MOT.

From the very beginning, our group participates in the activities of the National Laboratory for Atomic, Molecular and Optical (FAMO) in Torun. We prepared the equipment and the first experiments with Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb.

Our more recent results include first observation of nonlinear Faraday effect in a laser-cooled rubidium sample, and subsequent development of techniques for manipulation and readout of the atomic spin-state, as well as magnetic field measurements using cold atoms released from the MOT.

Milisecond-long coherent evolution of atomic spins in a static magnetic field.
chmura odbita w lustrze plazmonowym
Atomic-cloud reflecting off the optical dipole mirror
Cold-atom laboratory